Today I would like to give you further information about the differences between a real authentic German beer stein and a cheap knockoff. Unfortunately, nowadays a lot of salesperson and suppliers are using very root methods to sell their products.
They try to deceive the customers by picking similar names, writing important information in smaller letters compared to the others and a lot of other things.
With our knowledge from over 30 years’ experience in selling High quality and authentic German beer steins, I would like to give you some real information, so that you don’t get caught in the trap!
If you look at the stein at the beginning, the imported one does not look so bad. With the time going by the copies and knockoffs also getting better, but there are still a lot of differences so you can keep them apart.
The painting for example on the Chinese Stein never is as clear and also the coloring as a German made one! A lot off the color is blurred. On the other hand, the baked in pictures which are laid on, are very clear again. The reason for this is they know how to work with the computer very well!
Another big difference is the material, the clay from the imported stein is very low in quality and also very light in his weight. The German clay for example from the Westerwald Mountains is known as one of the best clays in the world for stoneware. So if you lift the Stein you will have to big weight difference.
Also, the lid from the beer stein is made very poorly. A lot of the Chinese steins have metal lids, which made in 3 to 4 separate cast and then got put together. So when you take a closer look you can see the edges. The inside of the lid is very rough and looks like metal and you won’t find a stamp. The German made lid is made from one piece and on the inside, you will find a stamp which tells you that you have more than 95% pure pewter or that the pewter lid is made in Germany. This stamp is very Little and sometimes tough to see, very rarely you will find both markings in there!
Here is another important information
Sometimes you find a Chinese Stein with a German pewter lid. In this lid, they press a stamp in which says made in Germany. Well, how should I say it ... the pewter lid is made in Germany, but the beer stein is not!!! Here 99% of the salesperson is not honest and will tell you that the complete product is made in Germany, which is of course not true! So please be careful ...
The easiest and quickest way to find out where the stein is made
Authentic German beer steins are marked very clear with the company/brand names or their logos, at the bottom of the stein, so be sure to check the base.
Beer stein markings made in germany
The best way, of course, is when they press the information into the beer stein when the clay is still wet. One manufacturer who does that very would be Thewalt! With the total amount of the limitation as well as with the piece number.
Other companies like King or Zöller and Born, sometimes also use like little stickers, which are laid on and baked in. The limitation number that is written in by hand with a special pen. Each stein has is own number and gets numbered, until the complete Series is made, usually a couple thousand. A lot of the authentic German made Steins are Limited Edition / Collector pieces. This means that there is only a certain amount of them made, for example, 3000/5000 pieces. Also is each one of them numbered. Ones the maximum amount is reached, the master mold will get destroyed and the Stein's are not produced anymore. This gives the Collector, for example, the security that the product never is mass production.
Besides all that information above the absolute most important thing is that the stein says MADE IN GERMANY if they don’t say made in Germany, don’t buy it! Because they are then not made there, and the chances that you have a fake stein or a knock off in your hand is very very high.
The trick what suppliers use here, for example, are the following: they write underneath designed in Germany or in small letters pewter and in very big letters behind it made in Germany. So, the people think the complete Stein was made in Germany, but in reality, it’s only the pewter lid! What also is used with pleasure is the German flag or their colors. For example a German flag with the writing souvenirs or design behind it.
I cannot write any names down from companies which are selling imported Products. This also would not help a lot either, because almost every day a new one opens up and it would be impossible to keep this here updated.
But I would let you know, the 100% authentic German made beer stein company/brands. I’ve personally been to the factories and know the owners for many years. You also can watch the video I made at the beginning of the year in 2019 on how an authentic German beer stein is made at the company King in Höhr Grenzhausen. This video you will find on YouTube or on our website at
The five authentic German companies on the following
- Zöller & Born
- Thewalt
- Lord of Crystal
- Girmscheid (salt glazed products)
King, Thewalt, Lord of Cyrstal and Zöller & Born for example also have small booklets or tags on their products, with further information. Depending on what beer stein, they also come with a certificate inside which tell you more about the pictures surround the stein or stories behind it.
The company Thewalt also has a tag which says with no Chinese components. Here you see unfortunately how important this is already nowadays.
Of course we carry all of those five companies written above in our shop, and we are also very proud to say that we only carry high German quality products. For us it is also very important that the customer gets the real thing and we want happy returning customers. Somehow we sometimes feel, that we are one of only a few, that think like that, what is very frustrating. But for that reason it is even more important to get the real authentic information out to the world.
Like I said before there are hundreds of people selling beer steins, but only a few know what they are doing. So if you are looking for the real deal, you finally found the right place.
So let’s keep that spirit from that very old German craftsmanship and tradition a life ...
Cheers to everyone and best regards looking forward to meeting you.
Your Markus Montag from the Montags Family
PS: I dearly hope I could help you with the information.
Gerz Tavern Scene Stein West Germany
Hello I bought this Beer Stein at a Thrift Store and don’t know if it is genuine or remake ? It has GERZ W.GERMANY in brown print which seems to be embossed on bottom with a triangle above GERZ. There is a symbol inside the triangle that looks like a chess piece? Inside the lid it is marked (raised letters) DBGM with a very small embossed horizontal triangle with DRM? in it. A very tiny embossed symbol is to the right of the triangle The lid is one piece and smooth inside. The Stein itself has dark blue border on top3/4” and bottom 3/4” and the rest of it is brown in color. The tavern scene : on the left is 3 adults standing behind a table with a man and young woman sitting in front . To their right is a young girl holding the hand of a young man dancing with left arm and leg in air. I don’t see any number on base or illustration except for date 1807 on Stein behind handle. I saw a stein pictured almost identical except the picture had a home to the left of the scene and an boy playing the piano to the right of the dancer.I believe it said #1607 on the picture? Any idea or suggestions
I have about 15 different beer steins that were left to me when my grandfather passed away. They are stamped on the bottom with a number and Made in Germany but no other markings. How do I determine the authenticity and value? Thank you for any help you c
I’m not sure what the opinion is in regards to.
Authenticity of beer stein
Hello, Mr. Montag. I am in possession of a beer stein purportedly brought back to the US from Munich by my great aunt. She traveled there in 1930. It is a gruss aus Munchen stein replete with scenes from the city, the Rathaus, Karlstor, etc. I am concerned about authenticity for a couple of reasons. While the stein does have a limitation number and presumably a manufacturer's symbol on the bottom, there is no "made in Germany" mark on the bottom. Also, one of the scenes is of the towers of the FrauenKirche, but on the stein they are labeled as Liebfrau towers (turme), not Frauenkirche.. I tend to doubt that Germany would allow steins from another country to be sold in Germany in 1930, but I of course may be wrong. Can you shed any light on this and perhaps point me in a direction where I can authenticate this stein. Thank you for your help and excellent advice advice.
I have a stein cobalt blue with a hunting lodge? on both sides and a stag and doe on the front. Markings on the bottom are 3056 19 and maybe a 7. The pottery symbol looks like a square with a cross inside the box and on the top it looks like a little po
I am a little confused about the "opinion". I would just like to know the maker, possibly a year range when it was made and any value. I would like to send a picture.
King stein with stamp on base saying Original King then numbered 300/34 on outside lady putting something through mans head,was brought back from Germany between 1958& 1967
Need some advice of it’s worth
Tall No lid Beer Stein
My dad bought this beer stein at the October Fest about 40 yrs ago.. on the bottom West Germany 300 5L Original King. Does the unit have a value ??
Same stein
William I have the same stein, what did you find out about it
beer stein from 1850's ?
Hello. I received a beer stein as an inheritance from a relative who told me that to the best of their knowledge it was made somewhere in the 1850's. Her great grandfather lived in Dresden and would leave the stein at the local Gausthaus so that he could have a beer in his own stein whenever he visited. The only markings I can see on the stein are "219" on the side (in the painted area) and on the bottom. There is also a "4" on the bottom and a "G" on the side. The lid appears to be one-piece pewter. I would love to send you some photographs but not sure how to do that. Please reply when you have a moment. I would like to know (if possible) the maker, where it was made, the approximate age, and (although it is not for sale) the approximate value. Thank you. I love your web site!!!
beer stein from 1850's ?
I'm sorry if you're receiving this message twice; I don't know if I did it correctly the first time. I recently received a beer stein as an inheritance that I am told was made in Germany around 1850. I am told the original owner left it at the gausthaus in Dresden so he could use it every time he visited there. He brought the stein to Canada when he emigrated here in 1927. It has been passed down thru the generations now to me. The only markings on the stein are "219." on the side and on the bottom. There is also a "G" on the side and a "4" on the bottom. The lid appears to be one-piece pewter. The image on the stein is of a man playing a lute or some type of old guitar in a gausthaus while two other men are listening intently and smoking and drinking beer. The colours on the stein are deep green in the background while all the images in the foreground are unpainted clay. I would like to know (if possible) the age of the stein, the maker, where it was made, and (even though it is not for sale) the approximate value. Thank you!
3 Steins
I have 3 Steins. Gerz Lidded West Germany 351 with the stamp on bottom. Original King 9 with stamp on bottom and 376 1/2 Bachman Pretzel Bakery. Kuhler Trunk Und Heipe Jagd on lid 66 DGBM with letters in a diamond shaped stamp. I would like to know if these are antiques? I have pictures I can send you. Thank you for your time. Sheila Vintinner
trink gut u rein, zuviel lass sein
Hello Markus, we found a beautiful Stein at our thrift store in the Netherlands and have been trying to figure out if it is the real deal. It is an off-white with dark blue colour. The image is that of 2 monks drinking in a cellar with a well dressed man with knee high boots, hat with feather, an epic beard and moustache. The lid is pewter and on the bottom has "made in germany", number "3944" and the letter "H". The inscription under the handle says "trink gut u rein, zuviel lass sein". Does this sound familiar to you? We are trying to guess the age and find the manufacturer. So far the style looks like other steins from Eckhardt&Engler. What do you think? Thank you :)
German Beer Steins
Hello Mr. Montag,
Happy New Year! Hopefully 2021 will see an end to this dreadful pandemic. I would like your opinion on two beautiful beer steins that I inherited from my father (now deceased). They are .5 litre, and appear to be light grey glazed stoneware, and with pewter lids. One has "Spatenbrau Munchen" on the front, the other has "Paulanerbrau Munchen". On the bottom of the Spatenbrau stein, there is a stamp 'original', 'King' and the number 7. 'Western Germany' is also visible in black letters. The Paulanerbrau stein only has the 'original' stamp and 'western Germany'. Both steins are in excellent condition, no damage anywhere. I don't think they were ever used, just sat on a display shelf for many years (decades). I would appreciate any guidance you can share relative to their authenticity and worth. Thank you very much.
Identifying Steins
Hi - I have a set of three steins, which were bought by my father in about 1960, and which have been on display in our homes ever since ... can you help me to identify them, please? They each have the words "Made In Germany", as well as some numbers, impressed in the clay on the base ... but no maker's name ... there are some other symbols as well ... if I send you some pictures, would you be able to help, please? Many thanks
Beer Stein Values
Hello! I have several (about 30 different) beer steins that I have inherited from my grandfather. Some I do not believe hold much value, but there are a few I am still unsure of the value that they may hold. I am searching to find someone that might be able to more accurately help me assess the value of these steins. If you could be of any assistance, I would love hearing from you. Thank you so much for your time!
German stein
My stein has a scene carved at the bottom of the stein that when you look at it with a sunlit background you see an image of the Calvary rider that is on the front of the stein.
2.Cheu-Regt.,,Caris"1.Esk. Regensburg 1909 1912
Please help me know it's approximate value.
Pewter beer stein identity stamp
My stein depicts a fox hunt with a wreath, dogs, men waving rifles, with Big Ben in the back ground and a tree and I think a church. There is a very small stamp on the bottom of an angel with wings… can you tell me where to get information on this?
Danke Schond I have an authentic Zoller & Born Stein!
You helped me identify the logo on my stein at a authentic Zoller & Born Stein! It is not numbered but I just wanted and authentic stein.
gesetzlich geschützt sj & sg
I purchased a large 74cm tall copper/brass/zinc stein that was created as a wedding present in 1868-1869. It has a mark on the bottom of gesetzlich geschützt sj & sg
The mark is a man with a hammer holding a stein. I cannot find any information on this stein maker. Do you know anything about them?
Thank you
gesetzlich geschützt sj & sg
I purchased a large 74cm tall copper/brass/zinc stein that was created as a wedding present in 1868-1869. It has a mark on the bottom of gesetzlich geschützt sj & sg
The mark is a man with a hammer holding a stein. I cannot find any information on this stein maker. Do you know anything about them?
Thank you